Memorial Funeral Home

Memorial Funeral Home is located at 18680 Highway 9, Arcadia Louisiana, 71001 Zip. Memorial Funeral Home provides complete funeral services to Gloster local community and the surrounding areas. To find out more information about and local funeral services that they offer, give them a call at (318) 263-9494.

Memorial Funeral Home

Business Name: Memorial Funeral Home
Address: 18680 Highway 9
City: Arcadia
State: Louisiana
ZIP: 71001
Phone number: (318) 263-9494
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Comfort a grieving friend or loved one with flowers.

Memorial Funeral Home directions to 18680 Highway 9 in Arcadia Louisiana are shown on the google map above. Its geocodes are 32.5724, -92.9238. Call Memorial Funeral Home for visitation hours, funeral viewing times and services provided.

Business Hours
Monday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Tuesday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Wednesday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Thursday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Friday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Saturday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Sunday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM

Memorial Funeral Home Obituaries

Memorial service for veterans whose remains were found at Cantrell Funeral Home

Verheyden Funeral Home in Grosse Pointe Park is hosting a service to honor those who have served our country. Monday hearses will be leaving that funeral home around 9:15, carrying the remains of some 18 veterans to Great Lakes National Cemetery in Holly. The procession will be escorted by Michigan State Police. Once there, they will be laid to rest with full military honors. That service begins at 11 a.m.All of the remains were found earlier this year at Cantrell Funeral Home in Detroit, which had its license suspended in April after inspectors found bodies covered in what appeared to be mold. Inspections also turned up an unsanitary embalming room, and that the funeral home was operating with an expired prepaid funeral and cemetery sales registration. Later this year in October, mummified remains of 10 fetuses and an infant were found beneath insulation in a ceiling at the building. Those remains are part of the police investigation and will not be included in Monday's service. The service on Monday is open to the public, and will include the 21 gun salute, the playing of taps and a flag presentation for each veteran. ...

Show your sympathy and support during these difficult times with beautiful selection of funeral flowers delivered to Memorial Funeral Home for viewing, visitation of burial service.

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